August 17, 2011


I have started opening my bundles... and you just never know what you are going to see.

This silk chiffon scarf was scattered with fresh rose petals and then wrapped tightly around a cotoneaster branch. It was steamed for a couple of hours, cooled off very slowly, then put out in the air to dry totally.
The first removal of cotton ties was promising...
and the outer wraps showed lovely colouring...
Here it is opened up completely...
And a closeup of the rose petals...
But on it is still light, so I shall leave it to cure longer before the final rinse.

Two of my wrapped bundles were put into a black garbage bag to "heat set". When I took them out two weeks later they were still wet, so I put them in a shady spot to dry completely.

This silk rayon devore scarf was scattered with fresh rose petals and wrapped - opening it was a treat...
Shaking out the semi dried petals... and the layout...

The third piece I did was a rayon scarf. Fresh geranium petals were wrapped tightly around a stick and steamed. Out of the black bag it was air dried. The unwrapping still covered with petals...

Still more bundles to come...

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