March 08, 2009

Banff - Day 8

In our Leighton Artists Colony studio, there is a tradition of "signing in" when you have a residency. Here is evidence of our stay in 2008.

Here I am, in our deluxe workspace in the G-L studio - we each have two 8' tables. Mine are covered with two machines (a sewing machine and an embellisher), an Ott lamp for natural lighting, supplies scattered all around, a cup of tea, bottle of water, and book to jot ideas down in.

As this is Sunday, my dog came up to the mountains to visit and get taken for a walk. She then got locked in the car while my husband and I had lunch. Then it was back into the dyeing studio for more parfait colour combinations - always exciting when I come back tomorrow to rinse and find out what I've got.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Graffiti in the artist colony! It must take some effort to get up to the support beams.

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