September 11, 2009


Summer is hanging around here in Alberta. Long lazy days of endless sunshine - love it!

August was full of lazy days with every weekend spent at the cabin - the most amazing time this year with no bugs - the mosquitoes are non-existent! At the end of the month my daughter and I went to New York City for a week - more on that later now that I have the pictures downloaded.

Over the summer I have been working on more pieces for the new exhibit in Winnipeg (opening September 18th) based upon the heritage architecture of the Exchange District of that city. I finished two more pieces (for a total of seven) for my deadline of September 8th. I thought this video was apropos!

Deadline Post-It Stop Motion

An amazing amount of work went into this by Bang-Yao Liu of the Savannah College of Art and Design.

1 comment:

Tracy Markey said...

sounds like a great way to spend summer, especially if there are no mozzies!

good luck with your deadlines - with you on that one.

i love this clip, very inventive and creative :)

better be off, deadlines to meet! (although i'm trying to tell myself i work better under pressure and deadlines are a good motivator).

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