May 05, 2010

Spring Clean-Up

My daughter has returned from her 6 months of travelling the world, and my son has returned home from university - suddenly we have a full house once again.

While they are looking for summer jobs, I have put them to work on web site updating.

My daughter is in charge of my personal web site, so is in the process of adding a lot of pieces from shows from the past 2 years, plus small pieces from sales I have done, including my line of jewelery (I usually create a new stitched brooch every year.) Slowly, slowly, it will become current! Keep checking for the latest...
web site -

My son is in charge of the Articulation web site. Lesley Turner and I are the ones who post on the Articulation blog. Steve is gradually adding photos from all of our past shows, more information about our yearly study sessions, but mainly colour and art! He tends to do the additions on-line then upload it in batches, so that will be a gradual process as well. Keeping checking for the latest...
web site -
blog -

(All of these links can be found in the column on the right hand side of this page.)

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