September 25, 2011


Late July and August is CHERRY season here is Calgary, fruit coming in from the Okanogan, British Columbia - my favourite fruit, so I collected lots of stems and pits. Towards the end, the cherries get a little iffy and I could save some of the rotted fruit. So - what do to with it? Dye of course!

Silk scarves wrapped shibori style and ready to dye:
The pot of fabric and fruit cooking away:
I was leaving town the next day, so I just put the whole thing in the cold room and walked away...

But that same afternoon, I got called by a neighbour to come and pick RASPBERRIES, that were falling off the plants. I collected many good ones to eat fresh and make into jam, but I also collected the over-ripe ones in a quart jar, filled it with water, and put it in the cold room until I could deal with it when I returned to town.

But before I could put them away, an afternoon hail storm hit that the Prairies are so famous for...

The most amazing thing about this storm were the clouds - I have never seen ones that look like these before!!!
Babies bums! It was amazing...
And as quick as it came, it blew away:

1 comment:

Karin Millson said...

Amazing clouds... this is a very weird place we live in... I just love the skies here... One cannot explain it to others who do not live in Alberta.

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